
Great news! The production of our range of products will be finished soon. Our products will be available in pharmacies soon at the most convenient prices for our patients. The range of products will include the following categories of products: Asthmatics, Oncology, Androgenic hormones, Cardiovascular and others. We aim to develop our company to a worldwide […]

Our products line is finished and ready to supply the pharmacies with new revolutionary products in medicine. We have a wide range of injectable and oral products under GMP standards and specially manufactured in a variety of categories like oncology, erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular, asthmatics, androgenic hormones and others. Our company is ready to present you original and […]

Unique product identification code system available on Ice Pharmaceuticals. Many know that nowadays a lot of medicine products can be fake and inefficient, this because there are a lot of underground pharmacies that produce illegal pharmaceutical products in order to make money and to denigrate the official name of real and legit pharmacies.  As an […]